[ The Proven Method ]

Our 3-Step Process

THE THREE STEPS: First, we perform a whole-home test. Then, using the home-as-a-system scientific approach and the data collected, our engineers analyze your home’s performance. Lastly, we provide you with a custom report containing recommendations and solutions.

WHOLE-HOME TESTING: Our whole-home testing requires certified technicians using Building Performance Institute Standards, gathering data from all the systems of your home. 

BENEFITS: We empower our community to redirect current utility costs into intelligent energy upgrades that benefit their household. These benefits include family health, quality of life, comfort, savings, and a durable, maintenance-free home.

Energy efficient home
Next Level Home Performance - Step 1

Step 1

[ Whole-Home Testing ]

  • TIME REQUIRED: About 1 to 1.5 hours

Our building performance technicians inspect all of your home’s systems. They will check your home’s energy consumption and areas that contribute to poor indoor air quality, health, safety, comfort, and efficiency problems.

Step 1 | Whole-Home Testing

Through the whole-home testing, our technician will identify problem areas that affect your home’s indoor air quality, overall comfort and health, energy efficiency and safety. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) has established the Gold Standard in the residential building performance industry, focused on making homes safer, more energy-efficient, comfortable, and durable. We check for any potential health and safety concerns and we gather data regarding your current energy consumption and utility costs.

Tips for your whole-home testing

Make a list of your existing problems

Make a list of existing concerns and share that with your technician. Your list may include the following: visible condensation, uncomfortable or drafty rooms, mold or mildew, dampness, air quality, odors and pest problems (ants, mice, etc.).

Get the past 12 months of your utility bills

Have copies of your last 12 months bills for water, natural gas and electricity. If you are unable to locate them we can assist you in a few short minutes to gather the data.

Be present and available during the testing

Be present during the testing phase. To do a thorough inspection, your technician will need easy access to the following areas: attic, duct work, electrical panel, pool equipment, heating, cooling and water heater systems. The testing lasts about 1 to 1.5 hours, you can ask questions that come up, as well as provide helpful information to the technician.

[ whole-home testing ]


All equipment systems in your home contribute to its comfort, health, safety, and energy efficiency. If one system has a problem it impacts the other systems’ ability to function properly. Treating the symptoms of your home’s performance without identifying the real culprit can not only worsen the problem but create new problems. 

Next Level Home Performance home-as-a-system approach looks at improving the deep-rooted problem areas of your home so you can achieve the most cost-effective results.

Home as a system info graph
3-step process - Step-2 - The Savings

Step 2

[ Your Home Analysis ]

  • TIME REQUIRED: 3 – 5 days

Our BPI certified engineering team performs a whole-home analysis using the gathered data from your home to create a customized report that includes the current performance of your home and corresponding BPI recommendations.

Step 2 | Your Home Analysis

After the whole-home testing, we provide a health and efficiency performance report back to the customer with recommended solutions to address any health and safety concerns along with opportunities for energy efficiency gains. Using building science, our certified professionals map precisely where your home is losing energy and how much it costs you.

3-step process - Step-3 - The Results

Step 3

[ Your Custom Results ]

  • TIME REQUIRED: About 1 to 1.5 hours

A Home Performance Advisor will discuss BPI recommendations and solutions to make your home efficient, healthy, comfortable, and safe at little to zero cost. Over 90% of projects have a negative cost through utility savings, rebates, incentives, and clean energy programs.

Step 3 | Your Custom Report

You will receive an in-depth review of your custom report and discuss the BPI recommendations and solutions to maximize the efficiency, health, and safety of your home. The recommended solutions will enable you to take advantage of all local, state, and federal savings programs, with the goal of making all the upgrades “at little to no cost” through utility savings, rebates, incentives and clean energy programs available to you.

Limited Time Offer!

Our whole-home testing is a comprehensive assessment of your home and typically can run over $1,000. At Next Level Home Performance for a limited time, we are offering complimentary whole-home testing. In addition, we facilitate all additional rebates, incentives, and clean energy programs, saving time and money for our customers.

We currently offer our whole-home testing at no cost - A $1,000 Value

Take advantage of this limited time offer today!